Thursday, April 28, 2016

Wiretap: If it's the year of the outsider, why is Clinton winning?

Inside out

In the year of the outsider, in which Republicans look to either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz to lead them, it looks as if the Democrats are set to pick the ultimate insider as their candidate. Why the difference? Via The Washington Post.

Fear this

If it does turn out to be Clinton-Trump, it could be that Clinton wins easily. But even if that's true, that doesn't mean she shouldn't fear a Trump candidacy. Via The New Republic.

Job cuts

It may not be over, but Bernie Sanders is laying off hundreds of workers. Via The Los Angeles Times.

She's back

When Carly Fiorina dropped out of the presidential race, she said that she would be back. And surprise – here she is. Via The Atlantic.

Not so coherent

The reviews are in, and Politico says that most foreign-policy experts are unimpressed by Trump's foreign-policy speech. Trump's call for a “coherent” foreign policy is called, well, incoherent.

Harsh words

The National Review's review is much tougher than that. Andrew C. McCarthy calls the speech “incoherent and shallow.”

Nothing's forever

It's time for Obama to end the forever war by forcing Congress to authorize the war we continue to fight. Via The New York Times.

Personal problems

If you were wondering what the next step would be in the culture wars, take a look at Tennessee, where the governor just signed a bill that allows mental health counselors to refuse to treat patients based on the counselor's religious or personal beliefs. Via The Washington Post.


Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons, Flickr

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