Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Wage gains limited to top earners in Colorado

At a cursory glance, Colorado has much to celebrate: The state's economy has added 180,000 jobs since increasing the minimum wage from $8.31 to $9.30 in 2017; the annual unemployment rate fell to 2.8 percent in 2017 – well below the national rate of 4.4 percent and the 6th lowest rate in the county; and median household income rose to $69,100 in 2017 – up 3 percent from 2016. 

But scratching the surface of these encouraging numbers reveals troubling trends fraught with wage stagnation and disparities, according to the 2018 State of Working Colorado, published by Colorado Center on Law and Policy (CCLP). Among this year's findings: 

* Despite economic gains, wages remain relatively stagnant for most Colorado workers. While the unemployment rate has dropped every year since 2010, the median wage has been mostly flat over that same period with modest increases starting in 2015. Still, declining unemployment has not delivered the upward pressure on wages typically associated with a tight labor market. 

* While job growth has been strong in the state, an increasing share of this growth is occurring in low-wage sectors. The estimated share of jobs providing annual income less than what's necessary for a single adult to be self-sufficient has more than doubled between 2001 and 2017. Low-wage service sector employees – child care workers, home health care aides and food-service workers – are essential members of our communities. Yet, these jobs increasingly do not pay enough for many workers to make ends meet. 

* Wage gains are only experienced by top earners in the state. The wealthiest Coloradans have seen their wages grow much faster and more consistently compared to middle- and low-wage earners. Workers earning wages at the 90th percentile have seen their wages increase by 40 percent from 1979 to 2017. Meanwhile, workers in the 20th percentile only earn 11 percent more than the 1979 level after adjusting for inflation. 

* The basic cost of living for all families has increased by nearly 80 percent on average between 2001 and 2018. Child care and health care costs have doubled over this period, resulting in increasing pressure on family budgets. Since 2009, rent for one- and two-bedroom apartments increased by 33 percent, while the income for the median-renter household increased by only 2 percent. 

* Rural communities have the highest rates of financial insecurity in Colorado. In many rural counties in the state, the share of households living below self-sufficiency ranges from 30 to 41 percent. Our rural communities and remote mountain towns are struggling with a declining and aging population base, fewer good-paying jobs, and seasonal economies that often cannot sustain local workers. 

* Colorado's middle class is shrinking. The proportion of middle-income households has fallen over the last 40 years. Since 1980, the share of Coloradans who could be described as middle class has shrunk from 59 percent to 52 percent. 

* Colorado is increasingly a multiracial state with a persistent race-based economic divide.Rates of unemployment and underemployment among people of color are higher than Whites in Colorado. Meanwhile, the gap in income between families of color and White families is just as large as it was five decades ago. People of color also experience lower returns for education and higher rates of income inadequacy. 

"Despite our prospering economy, financial insecurity is a reality for too many Coloradans," said Claire Levy, Executive Director of CCLP. "We seek to build a Colorado where everyone – no matter what their age, background, race, gender or economic status – has the opportunity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives. Achieving that vision requires seriously reckoning with the data in the 2018 State of Working Colorado. With this year's legislative session in progress, we're hopeful that policymakers, opinion-leaders and those who care to improve these conditions use this data to enact policies that lead to a future in which all Coloradans share in the wealth and prosperity of this state. Together, we can shape a better Colorado that works for all of us."

CCLP produces the State of Working Colorado every year to gauge how the economy is performing for workers across the income spectrum. The publication is intended to help stakeholders and policymakers determine where to focus their efforts in revitalizing opportunities and prosperity for hard-working Coloradans along the racial spectrum. The full report is available at CCLP's website.

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