Monday, April 11, 2016

Wiretap: Colorado votes for Cruz. Trump cries conspiracy.

After Colorado

The Trump convention strategy has become clear in the post-Colorado-convention world: Come to Cleveland with a majority of delegates or declare that the fix is in. Via The New Yorker.

Under Trump

The Boston Globe publishes a front page as it imagines the world under a Trump presidency. The lead headline: “Deportations to begin.” The subhead: “President Trump calls for tripling of ICE force; riots continue.”

Bail out

Paul Ryan may not be running against Trump and Cruz for the Republican nomination - in fact, he insists he isn't – but he is running a campaign that would save the GOP from itself. Via The New York Times.

No deal

Can America be losing in bad trade deals, particularly with China, if we don't actually have a trade deal with China? Via Jim Tankersley at The Washington Post.

Game plan

Kasich's strategy to get a chance at Trump is to first bring down Cruz. Haven't we seen this before? Via The Washington Times.

Big apple

New York is critical for both Clinton and Sanders and not just for all the delegates at stake. Via Dan Balz at The Washington Post.

Ticket to ride

Bill Clinton can be - and has often been - a disaster as a surrogate for Hillary. And yet, he might be just what she needs to get them both back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Via Vanity Fair.

New left

If the Sanders campaign didn't form a new left, but as some progressives believe, merely revealed it, then Sanders wins whether he wins or loses. Via Doyle McManus at The Los Angeles Times.

Burning books

Why is America pillaging its great public research institutions? Is it a matter of necessity or a matter of choice? Via The Atlantic.

In tune?

Hamilton” remains the hottest show in New York - Bernie Sanders and his wife attended over the weekend - but historians debate whether “Hamilton” the show gets Hamilton the man right. Via The New York Times.

Trans panic

A black transgender woman tries to attend a funeral in Iowa and winds up in jail for more than a week. The Daily Show find Colorado's own anti-trans, anti-gay Republican Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt to defend trans panic laws. To take on the issue, he has to transition into his alter ego televangelical cultural zealot Dr. Chaps. Jessica Williams eviscerates him. Via Gawkwer.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons, Flickr

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